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Open Embedded

Open Embedded (OE) can generate an SDK with required runtime libraries and compiler to reduce the round-trip time from changes to debugging VOLK kernels. Instructions on getting OE from a GNU Radio perspective are on the zynq page.

Getting the SDK

Create an image (or modify one such as core-image-minimal) that contains GNU Radio. Add the following lines to the image recipe

    TOOLCHAIN_HOST_TASK_append = " nativesdk-python-cheetah 
         nativesdk-python-netserver nativesdk-python-pprint 
         nativesdk-python-pickle nativesdk-orc nativesdk-swig"

Bitbake the recipe and deploy it on an SD card. If the image boots, you're in business. Now run

bitbake -c populate_sdk 

. The output is a shar in tmp/deploy/sdk/