Ubuntu 22 Freeze Landing Page
This page is for discussing efforts related to the Ubuntu 22 freeze, to make sure we lock in the best GNU Radio that we can for years to come =)
Disclaimer- GNU Radio is cross-OS and does not have any official distro preferences, we just find that many of our users are on Ubuntu or a derivative, and getting a good experience in Ubuntu should be a priority for the sake of the community.
First, in terms of schedule, according to https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/jammy-jellyfish-release-schedule/23906 February 24 is the feature freeze, but we need our changes already in Debian before this happens, and getting them in to Debian could take 2-3 weeks. This is so the first official cut of Ubuntu 22 will include our stuff, so that we can test it. Then the rest of Feb and early March is for testing and submitting any patches. Someone correct me if I got that wrong.
The magnificent Maitland Bottoms is our Debian packaging guy who handles GNU Radio as well as several OOTs, so he will know more about the schedule/process.
SigMF Minimal Blocks
The motivation here is to improve adoption of SigMF, by having at least basic ability to save and read SigMF files within GNU Radio in Ubuntu 22. These blocks are immediately being set to "deprecated" as you can see, they will be removed when gr-sigmf is ready to use, which is unlikely to be by the Ubuntu 22 freeze
Other OOTs
(we need to compile a list of OOTs that will be packaged into Ubuntu 22 to make sure they actually work with 3.10) this might be a good starting point https://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=bottoms&comaint=yes