Creating Python OOT with gr-modtool
TODO: fill out some introductory info
TODO: add the tutorial naviation bar
TODO: add this tutorial to the nav bar
This tutorial was written using GNU Radio v3.10.1.1.
move to an appropriate directory for a new module create the oot-module, which is a collection of packages
$ gr_modtool newmod ootmodule
creates directory gr-ootmodule
Move into the directory:
$ cd gr-ootmodule
List all of the files and directories within the OOT module:
$ ls
The directory listing will be as follows:
apps/ cmake/ CMakeLists.txt docs/ examples/ grc/ include/ lib/ python/
now need to create a block within the OOT module. the block to be created will either add or subtract based on an input parameter.
$ gr_modtool add addSubtractSelector
Given a questionaire about how to define the block.
GNU Radio module name identified: ootmodule ('sink', 'source', 'sync', 'decimator', 'interpolator', 'general', 'tagged_stream', 'hier', 'noblock')