GNU Radio 3.9 OOT Module Porting Guide

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The major changes in the (in-progress) GNU Radio 3.9 release that will impact OOTs are:

  • C++ modernization (C++11/14?)
  • Replacement of SWIG with Pybind11

C++ Modernization

(Currently merged onto master branch)

The most obvious change that will impact OOTs is that Boost shared pointers have been replaced with std:: shared pointers and memory management. At the top level of each block, the instantiation will need to change, e.g.

In include/blockname_xx.h:

typedef std::shared_ptr<blockname_xx> sptr;

Pybind11 Python Bindings

(NOT MERGED - future changes)

OOT Workflow

OOT Migration


Pybind11 bound methods do not implicitly convert int to enum, so blocks that take enum as input, must have either "raw" or "enum" in the grc yml definition of the block. "Raw" will allow the value to be changed by another variable in the flowgraph.