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Version Numbering

GNU Radio follows the Semantic Versioning specification. Version numbers are of the form API.MINOR.PATCH. These numbers communicate to external developers, packagers and users what level of change to expect when using a new version. Quick summary:

  • API version changes mean that developers and/or users may need to make modifications to their code/project.
  • MINOR version changes indicate new functionality, but maintain backward compatibility.
  • PATCH version changes result in no externally visible changes (except bug fixes).

For 3.8

GNU Radio previously used a four-number A.B.C.D system. A.B represented API (A has not changed for many years). D has not been incremented from 0 in 3.8. Version is equivalent to (3.8).2.0.

In development versions (the next API), APIs and functionality may change at any time. Users of these versions are typically developers who accept this risk in order to take advantage of new functionality.

Maintenance Releases

The current and previous API releases will be maintained by the GNU Radio project. This does not preclude updates to previous versions.