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Revision as of 01:36, 8 March 2017


Building GNU Radio for Android and GRAnd

Make sure you've looked at the Setup and Building the Dependencies page first.

It's important that you have created the Android stand-alone toolchain and have the environmental variable ANDROID_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN set to point here. The AndroidToolchain.cmake file uses this in all of the following projects.

Dependencies Build Script

Remember, you can use the Build Script to automatically build all of these dependencies. See the information on the Setup and Building the Dependencies page for more details on this script.


We'll first build VOLK separately instead of as a GNU Radio submodule. This will just provide us greater control over the configuration and make any problems easier to address.

git clone
cd volk
git checkout android
mkdir build; cd build
  -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../cmake/Toolchains/AndroidToolchain.cmake \
  -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python \
make install

GNU Radio

Check out the 'android' branch of GNU Radio and build it.

If you are interested in UHD support, see GRAndRFE#UHD and change the -DENABLE_GR_UHD to True in the cmake command below. If Cmake has trouble finding a properly built and installed UHD, first try removing CMakeCache.txt from the build directory and rerunning. If things still don't work, add the argument -DUHD_DIR=$PREFIX/lib/cmake/uhd to try and help Cmake find the library built for Android.

git clone --recursive git://
cd gnuradio
git checkout android
mkdir build
cd build
cmake \
    -Wno-dev \
    -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../cmake/Toolchains/AndroidToolchain.cmake \
    -DFFTW3F_LIBRARIES=$PREFIX/lib/libfftw3f.a \
    -DFFTW3F_THREADS_LIBRARIES=$PREFIX/lib/libfftw3f_threads.a \
    -DENABLE_GR_LOG=False \
    -DENABLE_VOLK=True \
    -DENABLE_GR_FFT=True \
    -DENABLE_GR_UHD=True \
make install

Build GRAnd - The GNU Radio for Android Project

I create a env variable TOOLCHAIN to point to the toolchain file from GNU Radio:

export TOOLCHAIN=/cmake/Toolchains/AndroidToolchain.cmake
git clone git://
cd gr-grand
mkdir build
cd build
cmake \
 -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python \
make install


Again, we'll use trondeau's fork of gr-omsosdr that includes a set of patches to work with our edited libusb and rtl-sdr library for the USB permissions. This branch also cleans up a few other features necessary to build a static library out of the project.

git clone
cd gr-osmosdr
git checkout android5
mkdir build; cd build
make install