GRC Code Organization

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Revision as of 19:23, 19 May 2019 by 777arc (talk | contribs)
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These notes are an attempt to figure out how big of a project porting from pygtk to pyqt will be, by identifying which files have pygtk code and how much of it.

All of the pygtk code is in gnuradio/grc/gui, other than a few lines in gnuradio/grc/scripts

gi is GObject Introspection which seems to be a python GTK thing

grc uses GTK 3.0 and PangoCairo 1.0 which seems to be a way to render text using GTK

the entry point for GRC is in /gnuradio/grc/ which has no actual GTK code in it, it calls Application()

Application() sets up the main window, and would be the first thing to convert to pyqt and verify works before slowly adding in everything else

MainWindow should probably also be converted over at first, but with most of its calls inside commented out

in the old code there was a separate MainWindow class that actually held the main window, but that is going to be moved inside Application

i wont need my own version of, it will just be inside Application

for the first cut we dont need the toolbar or context menu, all the functionality will be in the normal menu, we can add the others later