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Revision as of 19:46, 30 December 2023 by Haakov (talk | contribs) (GRC Qt: Start adding Code Tour)
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GRC Qt (November 2023)

GRC Qt is a work-in-progress port of GRC from Gtk to Qt. GRC Qt aims to provide better cross-platform support, both across different OSes, but also across different versions of Qt/PyQt (PyQt and PySide, version 5 and 6). GRC Qt can be tried out at

New features

Example integration

Go to File->Examples to open the example browser. You can also open a block's properties dialog (double-click) and click the Examples tab to see which examples contain the block.

GRC Examples browser (December 2023)

OOT browser

You can find the OOT browser at Tools->OOT Module Browser. It lists the installed OOTs and displays information about it from

GRC OOT browser (December 2023)


Go to File->Preferences to open the preferences menu.

GRC Qt preferences (December 2023)

Undo stack

GRC Qt uses Qt's Undo framework, which comes with a built-in Undo stack viewer. You can find it at Edit->Undo stack.

Log file

GRC Qt writes logs (levels INFO and higher) to ~/.gnuradio/grc.log by default. Run GRC with --log debug to enable DEBUG level log messages too.

GUI testing

The file grc/tests/ uses Pytest-qt and PyAutoGUI to test various GUI features. Warning: The script will use your mouse and keyboard for ~30 seconds!

Automatic block wiki loading

When clicking a block (either in the flowgraph canvas or in the block library to the left), the wiki tab to the right will automatically load the page from corresponding to the block.

Code structure


Code tour

The following sections are meant to give the reader an understanding of what happens in GRC under the hood when a user interacts with a flowgraph. This will hopefully make it easier for new contributors to familiarise themselves with the GRC code.

What happens when a block is moved?

Once the user clicks and drags a block, a `mousePressEvent` is issued. The event is passed down from the FlowgraphView (QGraphicsView subclass), which is the widget that displays the Flowgraph (which is a QGraphicsScene subclass). The event passes through the Flowgraph, which records the position of the click:


    def mousePressEvent(self, event):
        item = self.itemAt(event.scenePos(), QtGui.QTransform())
        selected = self.selectedItems()
        self.moving_blocks = False
        if item:
            if item.is_block:
                self.moving_blocks = True
        self.clickPos = event.scenePos()

The click ends up in the block:


    def mousePressEvent(self, e):
        super(self.__class__, self).mousePressEvent(e)
        log.debug(f"{self} clicked")
            prefix = str(
   + self.label.replace(" ", "_")))
        except KeyError:


A `mouseMoveEvent` is also issued, but the QGraphicsView framework's default handler does everything we need, so we don't need to modify it. The block (which is a QGraphicsItem) is being redrawn continuouslish as the block is dragged, using `block.paint()` (quite long):


    def paint(self, painter, option, widget):

If the block passes through another block's `boundingRect`, the other block will also be redrawn.


    def boundingRect(self):  # required to have
        return QtCore.QRectF( # TODO: Calculate comment box size
            -2.5, -2.5, self.width + 5, self.height + (5 if not self.comment else 50)
        )  # margin to avoid artifacts

The movement also causes the block's `itemChange` slot to be triggered, which repositions the block if the *Snap to grid* setting has been enabled:


    def itemChange(self, change, value):
        if change == QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemPositionChange and self.scene() and self.snap_to_grid:
            grid_size = 10
            return value
            return QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.itemChange(self, change, value)

Some blocks have ports, and they move with their parent block. This means that they will also notice the position change, and their `itemChange` slots make sure that the port's connections move accordingly:


    def itemChange(self, change, value):
        if self._dir == "sink":
            self.connection_point = self.scenePos() + QtCore.QPointF(0.0, self.height / 2.0)
            self.connection_point = self.scenePos() + QtCore.QPointF(self.width, self.height / 2.0)
        for conn in self.connections():
        return QtWidgets.QGraphicsLineItem.itemChange(self, change, value)

Finally the user releases the mouse and drops the block in its new position. This leads to a `mouseReleaseEvent` in the Flowgraph, which emits an `itemMoved` signal.


            if self.clickPos != event.scenePos():
                if self.moving_blocks:
                    self.itemMoved.emit(event.scenePos() - self.clickPos)

The `itemMoved` signal is caught by the QMainWindow, where it has been connected to the `registerMove` slot. Note that the block is already in its new position, the `registerMove` just registers the move as a MoveAction and places it in the undo stack.


    def createMove(self, diff):
        action = MoveAction(self.currentFlowgraph, diff)

What happens when a block's properties is changed? (coming)