Message Debug

From GNU Radio
Revision as of 17:43, 5 December 2022 by Duggabe (talk | contribs) (add section for version 3.9; revised format)
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Debug block for the message passing system.

The message debug block is used to capture and print or store messages as they are received. Any block that generates a message may connect that message port to one or more of the three message input ports of this debug block.





Applies to Version 3.8

Prints the message to standard out.
Stores the message in an internal vector. It works in conjunction with a message_debug::get_message(size_t i) call that allows us to retrieve message i afterward.
Specifically designed to handle formatted PDUs (see pdu.h). It discards messages that aren't PDU pairs (or are null).

Applies to Version 3.9

Prints all messages to standard out. They can be either PMT or PDU messages.
Stores the message in an internal vector. It works in conjunction with a message_debug::get_message(size_t i) call that allows us to retrieve message i afterward.
PDU messages are redirected to the 'print' port

Example Flowgraph

In this example, a Message Strobe block sends the string "Demo" once per second. It is displayed on the user terminal by the Message Debug block.

PUB SUB msg demo.png

Source Files

C++ files
Header files
Public header files
Block definition