QT GUI Number Sink

From GNU Radio
Revision as of 13:48, 9 September 2019 by Notou (talk | contribs)
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Displays the data stream in as a number in a simple text box GUI along with an optional bar graph.

The displayed value can be the average of the input stream, in which case all items received are averaged. If not averaging, the display simply samples a value in the data stream based on the update time of this block.

Note that due to a flaw in the implementation, this block cannot receive integer value inputs. It will take chars, shorts, and floats and properly convert them by setting itemsize of the constructor to one of these three values (sizeof_char, sizeof_short, and sizeof_float, respectively). If using integers, the block treats these as floats. Instead, put the integer input stream through an Int To Float block.


(R): Run-time adjustable

Name of the display
Averaging coefficient (0 - 1)
Graph Type
The bar graph can be set to horizontal (NUM_GRAPH_HORIZ), vertical (NUM_GRAPH_VERT), or no graph (NUM_GRAPH_NONE).
Number of Inputs
Number of signals connected to sink
Update Period (R)
GUI Hint
See GUI Hint for info about how to organize multiple QT GUIs
Line Label
Line Unit
Line Color
Line Factor

Example Flowgraph

Insert description of flowgraph here, then show a screenshot of the flowgraph and the output if there is an interesting GUI. Currently we have no standard method of uploading the actual flowgraph to the wiki or git repo, unfortunately. The plan is to have an example flowgraph showing how the block might be used, for every block, and the flowgraphs will live in the git repo.

Source Files

C++ files
Header files
Public header files
Block definition