Random Source

From GNU Radio
Revision as of 16:06, 13 January 2022 by MarcusMueller (talk | contribs) (Benchmark added)
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Generates a number of samples of random numbers of [min, max) meaning the max value won't be included. Repeat samples if specified. Useful for creating bytes of information for testing a modulator.

Ex: With min=0 and max=2, the sequence 01110101... of length num_samps will be generated.

Supports an output of type int, short, and byte.

This block differs from Random Uniform Source:

This block uses Numpy to generate a fixed random vector of values. The output of this block repeats every num_samps, and hence has high autocorrelation with that period.
The algorithms used to generate the random numbers differ, as well: Numpy, and hence Random Source, use MT19937¹, whereas the Random Uniform Source uses XOROSHIRO128+, which has a period of 2128-1 and is hence to be preferred if autocorrelation over a window of length num_samps is relevant.


(R): Run-time adjustable

Param 1 (R)
Description of parameter, provide any tips or recommended values. Note that the name of the parameter above should match the param's label that shows up in grc (e.g. Sample Rate).
Param 2
blah blah blah

Example Flowgraph


Source Files

C++ files
Header files
Public header files
Block definition

Computational Performance

File:Benchmark prng.grc done on a Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60GHz, 8GB RAM VOLK 2.5.0, GNU Radio, Linux 5.15.11

Benchmark prng.png

Block Number of Samples / Period after which samples repeat Throughput (in 106 samples per second) Note
Random Source 1000 838 default setting
Random Source 220=1,048,576 824
Random Source 224 812
Random Source 228 813 Initialization of the random vector needs nearly 30s, eats 4GB of RAM
Random Uniform Source 2128-1 282

¹ The slightly superior randomness properties of MT19937 over XOROSHIRO128+ don't matter within the maximum size of a vector of values on a PC, and are generally unnoticable in an SDR contex