Systematic POLAR Decoder SC Definition

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Standard systematic successive cancellation (SC) decoder for POLAR codes

It expects float input with bits mapped 1 --> 1, 0 --> -1 Or: f = 2.0 * bit - 1.0

Systematic encoding indicates that the info bit values are present in the codeword. 'info_bit_positions' may be obtained by ordering all non frozen_bit_positions in increasing order. One may extract them at their positions after a bit reversal operation. encoder -> decoder chain would need additional bit-reversal after encoding + before decoding. This is unnecessary.


For parallel execution of multiple instances of the block (more info is needed on this)
Dimension 1
For parallelism
Dimension 2
For parallelism
Block size (N)
Codeword size. MUST be a power of 2.
#Info Bits (K)
Represents the number of information bits in a block. Also called frame_size. <= block_size
Frozen Bit Positions
Integer vector which defines the position of all frozen bits in a block. Its size MUST be equal to block_size - num_info_bits. Also it must be sorted and every position must only occur once.

Example Flowgraph

Insert description of flowgraph here, then show a screenshot of the flowgraph and the output if there is an interesting GUI. Currently we have no standard method of uploading the actual flowgraph to the wiki or git repo, unfortunately. The plan is to have an example flowgraph showing how the block might be used, for every block, and the flowgraphs will live in the git repo.

Source Files

C++ files
Common code
Public header files
Block definition