User talk:Duggabe

From GNU Radio
Revision as of 04:45, 13 May 2020 by Duggabe (talk | contribs) (Proposal for reorganization of my tutorial)
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"Recycle Bin", content we no longer link to that we may eventually just delete

Notes on Wiki pages which need attention

  • Mark all the pages in the Recycle Bin as 'deprecated in GR 3.8'

Proposal for reorganization of my tutorial

As I have said before, many of the GR docs are very USRP-centric. I disagree "that a huge fraction of people are learning on a USRP". I think most people who are starting GR, other than in a classroom, don't have the personal budget to buy a USRP, and starting a tutorial which is strictly for a USRP will totally turn them off. It did me when I was a newbie.

Here is the outline of the current tutorial:

= Tutorial: Using GNU Radio with Hardware =  (current Guided_Tutorial_Hardware_Considerations)
== Introduction ==
== Prerequisites ==
== What Will I Need? ==
== Using UHD Blocks ==
== Building an FM Radio Receiver ==
=== Creating a Software Radio Spectrum Analyzer ===
=== Using Your Software Radio Spectrum Analyzer ===
=== Building a Broadcast FM Receiver ===
=== A Working Software Radio Broadcast FM Receiver ===

Here is my proposal which takes your comments into consideration:

= DRAFT REVISION Guided_Tutorial_Hardware_Considerations =
== Introduction ==
== Prerequisites ==
== What Will I Need? ==
== Creating a Software Radio Spectrum Analyzer ==
=== Parameters For Popular Devices ===  (just the device parameters)
==== ADALM-PLUTO ====
==== UHD / USRP ====
==== RTL-SDR dongle ====
==== FunCube Pro+ ====
=== Tuning and Using the Spectrum Analyzer ===
== Building a Broadcast FM Receiver ==
References to the following flowgraphs without a list of the parameters:
* File:Pluto_FM_fg.png
* File:USRP_FM_fg.png
* File:RTLSDR_receive_fg.png
* File:FunCube_FM_fg.png

another section to generate a TOC