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Summer of Code

There are two summer of code events:

GSoC: GSoC is a Google-sponsored event to get students involved in Open Source projects (GSoC Website). GNU Radio has participated in GSoC since 2012 with a high success rate.

SOCIS: The "ESA Summer of Code in Space" is a GSoC-inspired, yet different event sponsored by the European Space Agency (Website. GNU Radio has participated in SOCIS from 2015 through 2017.

Students interested in participating, read the student instructions and the rules of conduct.

For previous and currently ongoing projects as well as success stories, read the page of past GSoC projects.

Summer of Code: List of ideas

For the list of ideas for the current summer of code, see our summer of code ideas list.
In the past, we've had lots of good ideas for SoC projects we didn't implement, they're archived on the old ideas list.