Tagged Stream Mux

From GNU Radio
Revision as of 15:39, 23 August 2019 by Notou (talk | contribs)
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Combines tagged streams.

Takes N streams as input. Each stream is tagged with packet lengths. Packets are output sequentially from each input stream. The output signal has a new length tag, which is the sum of all individual length tags. The old length tags are discarded. All other tags are propagated as expected, i.e. they stay associated with the same input item. There are cases when this behaviour is undesirable. One special case is when a tag at the first element (the head item) of one input port must stay on the head item of the output port. To achieve this, set "Tags: Preserve head position on input" to the port that will receive these special tags.


Number of inputs
Number of input streams
Length tag names
Length tag key
Tags: Preserve head position on input
Preserves the head position of tags on this input port

Example Flowgraph

Insert description of flowgraph here, then show a screenshot of the flowgraph and the output if there is an interesting GUI. Currently we have no standard method of uploading the actual flowgraph to the wiki or git repo, unfortunately. The plan is to have an example flowgraph showing how the block might be used, for every block, and the flowgraphs will live in the git repo.

Source Files

C++ files
Header files
Public header files
Block definition