DDS Control

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Transmitter blocks cannot be run simultaneously with this block for the same device

DDS units and ranges:

  • Frequency: [0 samp_rate/2] Hz
  • Phase: [0 360] Degrees
  • Scale: [0 1] Fullscale=1


(R): Run-time adjustable

IIO context URI
default: ip:analog
Enabled DDSs (TX1)
default: 'False'
options: ['True', 'False']
Channel I Freq (Tone 1)
default: '100000'
Channel I Phase (Tone 1)
default: '0'
Channel I Scale (Tone 1)
default: '0'
Channel I Freq (Tone 2)
default: '100000'
Channel I Phase (Tone 2)
default: '0'
Channel I Scale (Tone 2)
default: '0'
Channel Q Freq (Tone 1)
default: '100000'
Channel Q Phase (Tone 1)
default: '0'
Channel Q Scale (Tone 1)
default: '0'
Channel Q Freq (Tone 2)
default: '100000'
Channel Q Phase (Tone 2)
default: '0'
Channel Q Scale (Tone 2)
default: '0'
Enabled DDSs (TX2)
default: 'False'
options: ['True', 'False']
Channel I Freq (Tone 1)
default: '100000'
Channel I Phase (Tone 1)
default: '0'
Channel I Scale (Tone 1)
default: '0'
Channel I Freq (Tone 2)
default: '100000'
Channel I Phase (Tone 2)
default: '0'
Channel I Scale (Tone 2)
default: '0'
Channel Q Freq (Tone 1)
default: '100000'
Channel Q Phase (Tone 1)
default: '0'
Channel Q Scale (Tone 1)
default: '0'
Channel Q Freq (Tone 2)
default: '100000'
Channel Q Phase (Tone 2)
default: '0'
Channel Q Scale (Tone 2)
default: '0'

Example Flowgraph

Example Output

Source Files

C++ files
Header files
Public header files
Block definition