FEC Tagged Decoder

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This block uses a decoder variable object (derived from gr::fec::generic_decoder) to decode data within a flowgraph. This block interacts with the general FECAPI architecture to handle all passing all input and output data in a flowgraph. The decoder variable takes care of understanding the requirements, data types and sizes, and boundary conditions of the specific FEC decoding algorithm.

Generally, this block is used within the fec.extended_decoder Python block to handle some input/output formatting issues. In the FECAPI, the decoder variable sets properties like the input and output types and sizes and whether the output is packed or unpacked bytes. The fec.extended_decoder uses this information to set up an gr::hier_block2 structure to make sure the I/O to the variable is handled consistently, such as to make sure all inputs are floats with one soft symbol per item and the outputs are unpacked bytes with the bit in the LSB.

See gr::fec::generic_decoder for detail on what information an FECAPI variable object can set if using this block directly and not as part of the fec.extended_decoder.


Constituent Decoder
An FECAPI decoder object (See gr::fec::generic_decoder).
MTU (bytes)
The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) of the output frame that the block will be able to process. Specified in bytes and defaults to 1500.
Length Tag Name
Key name of the tagged stream frame size.

Example Flowgraph

Insert description of flowgraph here, then show a screenshot of the flowgraph and the output if there is an interesting GUI. Currently we have no standard method of uploading the actual flowgraph to the wiki or git repo, unfortunately. The plan is to have an example flowgraph showing how the block might be used, for every block, and the flowgraphs will live in the git repo.

Source Files

C++ files
Header files
Public header files
Block definition