Peak Detector2

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Detect the peak of a signal.

If a peak is detected, this block outputs a 1, else it outputs 0's. A separate debug output may be connected, to view the internal estimated mean described below.


(R): Run-time adjustable

TH factor rise (R)
Determines when a peak is present. An average of the input signal is calculated (through a single-pole autoregressive filter) and when the value of the input signal goes over threshold_factor_rise*average, we assume we are in the neighborhood of a peak. The block will then find the position of the maximum within a window of look_ahead samples starting at the point where the threshold was crossed upwards.
Look ahead (R)
Used when the threshold is found to look if there another peak within this step range.
Alpha (R)
One minus the pole of a single-pole autoregressive filter that evaluates the average of the input signal.

Example Flowgraph

This flowgraph can be found at [1].

Peak detector2 fg.png

Example Output

Peak detector2 out.png

Source Files

C++ files
Header files
Public header files
Block definition