QT GUI Matrix Sink

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This is a QT-based graphical sink that plots 2D matrix of data as a color plot. The data is displayed in a window with a color bar on the right side. The color bar shows the mapping of data values to colors. The color bar can be used to change the range of data values that are displayed.


(R): Run-time adjustable

Title for the plot
Vector Size
Vector length at input
Number of Columns
Number of columns to be made from input vector to represent as matrix.
Contour Plot
Contour Plot enables or disables the contour plot visualization mode. When set to true, the matrix data will be displayed as contour plots in the GUI.
Color Map
Color Map defines the color scheme used for visualizing the matrix data.
Interpolation determines the method used to interpolate between matrix elements for smoother visualization.
X-Axis Start Value (R)
X-Axis Start Value sets the starting value of the x-axis range in the GUI.
X-Axis End Value (R)
X-Axis End Value sets the ending value of the x-axis range in the GUI.
Y-Axis Start Value (R)
Y-Axis Start Value sets the starting value of the y-axis range in the GUI.
Y-Axis End Value (R)
Y-Axis End Value sets the ending value of the y-axis range in the GUI.
Z-Axis Minimum Value (R)
Z-Axis Minimum Value sets the minimum value of the z-axis range in the GUI. It determines the lower bound of the color mapping for the matrix data.
Z-Axis Maximum Value (R)
Z-Axis Maximum Value sets the maximum value of the z-axis range in the GUI. It determines the upper bound of the color mapping for the matrix data.
X-Axis Label
The X-Axis label
Y-Axis Label
The Y-Axis label
Z-Axis Label
The Z-Axis label
GUI Hint
See GUI Hint for info about how to organize multiple QT GUIs

Example Flowgraph

This flowgraph and output was produced by https://github.com/gnuradio/gnuradio/blob/master/gr-qtgui/examples/qtgui_matrix_sink_example.grc

Matrix sink.png

Source Files

C++ files
Header files
Public header files
Block definition