Video SDL Sink

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Shows incoming samples as frames on a screen.


Input Type
Byte or Short. Byte is unsigned chars, shorts is 16 bit integers
Input Width
number of samples per row
Input Height
number of rows per screen update
Display Width
After scaling: display width

Display Height
After scaling: display height
Number of updates per second. If set to 0, make a new screen every (Input Width) · (Input Height) samples. (Recommended: set to 0, use modern Throttle with a maximum wait time low enough and as sample rate (Input Width) · (Input Height) · (desired frames per second))
Number of channels
1: Map the 0-255 (both for byte and short!) range to black to white
2: Interleaved: First input's samples are Y (ca. "gray"), second input's samples alternate between U and V (how bluegreenish or redpurplish a pixel is)
3: Y, U, V as separate inputs

Example Flowgraph

Media:Demonstrate sdl.grc

Demonstrate sdl.png

Source Files

C++ files
Short-consuming version
unsigned byte-consuming version
Header files
Short-consuming version
unsigned byte-consuming version

Public header files
Short-consuming version
unsigned byte-consuming version
Block definition
Block YAML